About Springvale South Church of Christ
It is by God's grace that Springvale South Church of Christ exists in the suburb of Springvale South. A vicinity of the City of Greater Dandenong, the second largest city in Melbourne. Here at SSCOC, we are passionate about the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost, discipleship and the study of God's Word. SSCOC is a Charismatic-Evangelical Churches of Christ which is situated in one of the most multicultural and religiously diverse suburbs in Greater Dandenong - Springvale South. Our aim at SSCOC is to "evangelise the unsaved with the proclamation of the Gospel and make every new believer a committed member of the local body of Christ." Jesus Christ clearly gave us this great commission to "Preach the Gospel to all nations" (Matt 28:18-20). The Springvale community is a diverse multicultural vicinity where people choose to live and raise their family, but sadly the vast majority do not know Christ. Our Lord made it clear that anyone we come into contact with is our "neighbour". We must therefore be looking for ways to love and serve the people around us and proclaim the good news to the community. By telling people the truth of Jesus Christ, many will be set free from the bondage of "sin" and the devils grip through the Good News of God's Beloved Son - Jesus Christ and enter into an everlasting relationship with Him.