Weekly Bible Studies
Every week here at Springvale South Church of Christ, we are passionate and dedicated to studying the Word of God together. Throughout the Bible God has instructed each and everyone of us to commit our selves to studying His Word for a number of reasons. As Bible believing Christians we need to understand that first and foremost, the Bible is the Word of God - 1 Tim 3:16-17. The pattern of the early church was to gather together around the apostles and hear God speak through them - Acts 2:42.
Another reason why we must study the Word of God is to present our selves as one who diligently and accurately handle God's Word - 2 Tim 2:15. As we study the Word of God with diligence, we arm ourselves with the armour of God that we may stand firm in times of trials and in times of defending the Faith Ephesians 6:11-17, Jude 1:3. Many more reasons can be given as to why a real Christ-follower must study the Word of God. Hence, we will allow God to speak for Himself to us through His Word as we study together. If you are interested, please contact us either persons below for more details.
In His Service,
Another reason why we must study the Word of God is to present our selves as one who diligently and accurately handle God's Word - 2 Tim 2:15. As we study the Word of God with diligence, we arm ourselves with the armour of God that we may stand firm in times of trials and in times of defending the Faith Ephesians 6:11-17, Jude 1:3. Many more reasons can be given as to why a real Christ-follower must study the Word of God. Hence, we will allow God to speak for Himself to us through His Word as we study together. If you are interested, please contact us either persons below for more details.
In His Service,
Study Groups
Monday Night Cell Group (Clyde)
7:30pm - 8:30pm Home Group - Clyde Contact: Heston Zimmerman 0431 418 149 |
Tuesday Evening (English)
6:30pm - 8:00pm Main Church Building - Muti purpose Room Contact: Anthony Chheang 0434 500 466 |