What we believe - continued
Humanity and Sin
We believe that all men and women being created in the image of God (Gen 1:26-27) have inherent and equal dignity and worth. Their greatest purpose is to obey, worship and love God (Matt 22:37). As a result of the fall of Adam and Eve, every aspect of the human nature has been corrupted so that all men and women are totally depraved, without spiritual life, guilty sinners and hostile to God (Eph 2:1-3). Every person is therefore under the just condemnation of God, and will be committed to an eternal conscious punishment in hell (Matt 25:41; Rev 20:11-15).
We believe that man is a sinner and can do nothing to earn favour before God (Rom 8:8). Those whom God sovereignly elected to salvation will as a result of God’s grace come to faith and thus to salvation (Eph 2:8-10). From the individual’s perspective, this salvation is received through repentance and faith in the atoning work of Christ (Rom 10:8-11). All true believers can have assurance of salvation because of God’s faithfulness in preserving them to the end, in faith, repentance and holiness (Phil 1:6). Thus nothing can take the Christian out of God’s hand – not even the weakness and failings of the Christian (Rom 8:35-39; John 6:37-39).
We believe that the universal church is made up of true believers who belong to the visible local churches which are congregations of believers. The church (believers) is committed to each other for the worship of God, the preaching of the Word, prayers of intercession, the administering of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper (Acts 2:42); for pastoral care, discipleship, discipline (Heb 13:17) and for evangelism (Matt 28:18-20).
The unity of the church is expressed within and between churches by mutual love, care and encouragement. True fellowship between churches exists only where they are faithful to the gospel. The local church is autonomous and is headed by Pastors (teaching elders) and ruling elders (lay elders), who are to fit the biblical qualifications (1 Tim 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9). The election of the church committee(s) is by congregational vote.
Water Baptism and the Lord’s Supper
We believe that Christ has given Water Baptism and the Lord’s Supper to the Church as visible signs of the Gospel (Acts 2:41-42). Baptism is a symbol of union with Christ and entry into His Church but does not impart spiritual life (Rom 6:1-11). Baptism is by full immersion (Acts 8:36-39) and is only available to adults and not infants.
The Lord’s Supper is open to all who are genuine Christians and members of the church in good standing of evangelical churches. This sacrament is a symbolic reminder to every Christian of the sacrifice Jesus made to make our salvation possible. Jesus died on the cross for the forgiveness of sin and therefore the Christian should continually remember the Lord’s work at Calvary (1 Cor 11:23-32).
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Humanity and Sin
We believe that all men and women being created in the image of God (Gen 1:26-27) have inherent and equal dignity and worth. Their greatest purpose is to obey, worship and love God (Matt 22:37). As a result of the fall of Adam and Eve, every aspect of the human nature has been corrupted so that all men and women are totally depraved, without spiritual life, guilty sinners and hostile to God (Eph 2:1-3). Every person is therefore under the just condemnation of God, and will be committed to an eternal conscious punishment in hell (Matt 25:41; Rev 20:11-15).
We believe that man is a sinner and can do nothing to earn favour before God (Rom 8:8). Those whom God sovereignly elected to salvation will as a result of God’s grace come to faith and thus to salvation (Eph 2:8-10). From the individual’s perspective, this salvation is received through repentance and faith in the atoning work of Christ (Rom 10:8-11). All true believers can have assurance of salvation because of God’s faithfulness in preserving them to the end, in faith, repentance and holiness (Phil 1:6). Thus nothing can take the Christian out of God’s hand – not even the weakness and failings of the Christian (Rom 8:35-39; John 6:37-39).
We believe that the universal church is made up of true believers who belong to the visible local churches which are congregations of believers. The church (believers) is committed to each other for the worship of God, the preaching of the Word, prayers of intercession, the administering of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper (Acts 2:42); for pastoral care, discipleship, discipline (Heb 13:17) and for evangelism (Matt 28:18-20).
The unity of the church is expressed within and between churches by mutual love, care and encouragement. True fellowship between churches exists only where they are faithful to the gospel. The local church is autonomous and is headed by Pastors (teaching elders) and ruling elders (lay elders), who are to fit the biblical qualifications (1 Tim 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9). The election of the church committee(s) is by congregational vote.
Water Baptism and the Lord’s Supper
We believe that Christ has given Water Baptism and the Lord’s Supper to the Church as visible signs of the Gospel (Acts 2:41-42). Baptism is a symbol of union with Christ and entry into His Church but does not impart spiritual life (Rom 6:1-11). Baptism is by full immersion (Acts 8:36-39) and is only available to adults and not infants.
The Lord’s Supper is open to all who are genuine Christians and members of the church in good standing of evangelical churches. This sacrament is a symbolic reminder to every Christian of the sacrifice Jesus made to make our salvation possible. Jesus died on the cross for the forgiveness of sin and therefore the Christian should continually remember the Lord’s work at Calvary (1 Cor 11:23-32).
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